Project – Raleigh Millington at Egypt Central Streetscape
Raleigh Millington at Egypt Central Streetscape
This construction project enhanced pedestrian safety at a busy intersection in Memphis, TN. ABES Contracting demolished existing curb ramps at all four corners and installed new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant curb ramps. The radii of the new curb and gutter for each corner was decreased, which will help slow cars as they turn around the corners. The smaller radii also provides more room on the sidewalks for pedestrians to wait safely for the crosswalk signal. New ADA-compliant push buttons were installed for the crosswalk signals and new countdown pedestrian signal heads were installed. New roadway striping was installed for all four approaches to and through the intersection. Street Bond paint and zebra delineators were installed at all four corners to further decrease the turning radii and shorten the length of the crosswalks. A total of 360-linear feet of new ADA-compliant sidewalk and curb and gutter were installed.
Owner name: City of Memphis
Start date: 09/27/2023
End date: 01/30/2024
Construction cost: $333,415