Project – Memphis Flyway

Memphis Flyway

In 2024, the City of Memphis completed an extensive renovation to Tom Lee Park on the banks of the Mississippi River. To supplement the new facility, Memphis River Park Partnership is constructing the Memphis Flyway project on the south end of the new park. The Flyway is a ground-supported canopy boardwalk supported by three steel mast column bundles. The boardwalk extends out over the Mississippi River in a southeast-northwest direction for a total length of approximately 218 feet. The facility is scheduled to open in 2026 and, according to Memphis River Park Partnership, it will be the only “free and ADA-accessible observation deck on the Mississippi River.”

Memphis Flyway Project

ABES Contracting is responsible for the site/civil portion of the work including demolition, clearing, earthwork, grading and erosion control. Acuff Enterprises is a subcontractor providing earthwork, building a 28’-wide rocked access road, scour protection for the piers and crane pad foundations. Michael Hatcher is installing the landscaping as a sub to ABES as well. This project is providing valuable experience to ABES both as a General Contractor managing subcontractors, and as a self-performing site/civil contractor.

Owner name: Memphis Flyway – Memphis River Park Partnership

Start date: 8/1/2024

End date: 8/1/2025

Construction cost: $2,658,036