Project – Accelerate Memphis: Klondike Streetscape
Accelerate Memphis: Klondike Streetscape
The Accelerate Memphis Klondike Streetscape project enhanced pedestrian safety along a half-mile section of Vollintine Avenue. Vollintine Avenue is a busy street with several schools, a library and a redeveloped “vertical village” that contains retail and residential spaces. New curb and gutter was added at nine intersections to create bump outs. The bump outs help slow vehicles and shorten the lengths of crosswalks. The addition of four concrete speed humps that also serve as crosswalks help slow vehicles and provide a safe place for school children to cross the street. Each of the new crosswalks has a solar-powered signal and the project also included a new mast-arm type traffic signal at the intersection of Vollintine Avenue and Watkins Street. The entire intersection of Alma Street and Vollintine Avenue, which is directly in front of an elementary school, was raised to curb elevation to create a visible space to indicate that cars should slow down. The raised intersection included a signalized crosswalk and bollards to protect pedestrians. ABES Contracting managed five subcontractors on this project: traffic control, demo/concrete work, landscaping, roadway striping, and electrical (traffic signals).
Owner name: Accelerate Memphis – City of Memphis
Start date: 12/07/2023
End date: Projected – 2/2025
Construction cost: $2,051,937