Project – Poplar at Alabama Streetscape
Poplar at Alabama Streetscape
Poplar Avenue is one of the busiest commercial corridors in Memphis, TN. In addition to significant vehicle traffic, it also sees a significant amount of pedestrian traffic. The City of Memphis initiated this project to help pedestrians safely cross Poplar Avenue at several locations. One crosswalk was installed across Alabama Street and two crosswalks installed along a 1,200-foot stretch on Poplar Avenue. The two crosswalks across Poplar Avenue feature solar-powered mast arm signals with signage and rectangular rapid flashing beacons to alert motorists of the presence of pedestrians. The crosswalk across Alabama Avenue includes Street Bond paint and zebra delineators to decrease the turning radii for cars and reduce vehicle speed. Two existing crosswalks were demolished and a total of six new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant curb ramps were installed. New roadway striping was used, in conjunction with the Street Bond paint, to realign the intersection of Alabama and Poplar to create a more perpendicular intersection, making the turning movement safer for vehicles.
Owner name: City of Memphis
Start date: 09/27/2023
End date: 02/30/2024
Construction cost: $438,985